Diversity and Inclusion

Clearwater is committed to promoting a workforce that is free of discrimination, values diversity and is representative at all job levels of designated groups. We have an employment equity and diversity policy, which promotes an inclusive, culturally competent workforce that values diversity, assists with the removal of systematic barriers to employment and advancement of those designated groups. We are proud to recognize and celebrate the diversity of our employees and that of our guests, customers and clients.

Landmark Reconciliation Agreement Reached in the Arctic Surf Clam Fishery
In 2019, Clearwater and 14 First Nations communities in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador reached a reconciliation agreement in the Arctic surf clam fishery. As part of this Offshore Clam Partnership Landmark Agreement, Clearwater and the 14 Mi’kmaq communities have the opportunity to lead in the development of a new model of fishing and First Nations collaboration, creating valuable full-time employment opportunities for members of participating Mi’kmaq communities.

Clearwater is now a proud member of the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business.

Clearwater is proud to have a strong female presence and representation on both our Executive Team and Board of Directors. Clearwater is also a member of the International Association for Women in Seafood (WIS) and recognizes the important role women play in today’s global seafood industry. As a member of this non-profit organization, Clearwater also understands the need to increase awareness of women’s roles within the industry and to recognize the value they bring. Today, Clearwater continues to make strides to increase the number of women working in the seafood industry.

Clearwater recently participated in the 16th North Atlantic Seafood Forum (NASF) 2021 Digital Conference.  NASF is the worlds’ largest top executive seafood business conference, with over 160 speakers providing valuable insights into the seafood industry in challenging times.  CEO, Ian Smith had the honour of leading the Remarkable Women – Remarkable Seafood presentation.  View the presentation below.


Clearwater Earns Spot on Women Lead Here List
In March 2020, Clearwater proudly earned a spot on the inaugural Women Lead Here list, coordinated through the Globe and Mail’s Report on Business magazine. More than 500 of the largest public companies in Canada were screened for this prestigious accolade, with 75 companies selected. Researchers evaluated each company’s top three tiers of executive leadership, measuring the ratio of female-identifying to male-identifying individuals at each tier. Each company’s profitability, revenue growth and three-year return based on 2019 financial data was also taken into account. Click here to read the article.

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